⭐ ANELAIR: A Successful Digital Transformation Case

29 June 2023


Digitalizing processes to gain productivity. At Albira Solutions, we know that it is essential as a strategy to add value, but not all companies are willing to change their ways of working. However, when you receive a call from an organization eager to always stay competitive, the results are not far behind. This is the experience that we are delighted to share: At ALBIRA SOLUTIONS, we have been involved in driving digital transformation in the process management of ANELAIR, a company based in Málaga, specialized in electrical installations and air conditioning.

The collaboration with the company from Málaga has garnered the attention of ASEITEC (Association of Information Technology and Communication Companies of Catalonia), which has dedicated extensive coverage to us in their digital media, including an interview with Miquel Fonolleda, CEO of ALBIRA Solutions, and Juan Jesús Martín, General Manager of Anelair.

In the project developed over several months, at ALBIRA Solutions, we have improved the document management and field work documentation of through digital transformation in their operations. Specifically, our client proposed solutions, as they refer to them on their website, as "360°. Complete control of the installation." They specialize in large-scale installations and offer an all-in-one service: electricity, fire protection, air conditioning, and ACS (sanitary hot water). Our work consisted of developing a customized program that provides them with real-time monitoring of each and every project they work on. This enables them to achieve greater and better coordination and undoubtedly positions them at an advantage in their industry.

Gaining efficiency through multi-platform development

Juan Jesús Martín explained in the interview with ASEITEC the starting point of the project: "The idea was to become more efficient and productive by eliminating manual processes that were prone to errors, misplacements, and duplications. The challenge we presented to Albira Solutions was to develop software that would allow us to create all the reports, both for project monitoring and commissioning, in a 100% digital manner. We wanted to have access to all the reports for consultation and editing, whether by technicians or management. We aimed for agile and effective control and monitoring of all ongoing projects"

To achieve this, we placed great emphasis on the initial analysis of their requirements. We created user stories that captured the description of each required functionality from Anelair's perspective, and then defined the functional and technological solution. All user stories were reviewed and approved by Anelair before starting the development of the solution.

A high-level project with Microsoft's Power Apps

For the implementation, we chose Microsoft's Power Apps platform for its simplicity and versatility. Additionally, since Anelair was already using Microsoft Office 365, the adoption of this technology was seamless.

The development was carried out using the agile Scrum methodology, which is based on short development cycles and client validation at the end of each cycle.

"The result has been fantastic."

The client's availability throughout this process is key, and in the case of Anelair, it was absolute. Therefore, we are very pleased with the evaluation our client has given to the entire project: "The experience has been unbeatable". We started collaborating somewhat by chance, as we had a project in mind that Albira offered to develop in the Microsoft environment.

In fact, at ALBIRA, we value their decision to choose us: "These investments with developers you don't know beforehand are risky, but the result has been fantastic".

Throughout the process, all the staff we had contact with maintained a consistently positive and proactive attitude, listening to and understanding our needs, providing solutions to the unexpected issues that arose, and always assisting us in the design, development, and implementation phases.

We were in very good hands, with highly productive work meetings with people who were fully dedicated to our project.

Digital transformation as a dynamic process

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As a culmination of the interview, which you can follow here, we also discussed the objectives of digital transformation. According to Miquel Fonolleda: "They can vary depending on the industry, company size, and specific needs of each organization. However, there are some basic objectives. I'm referring to optimizing internal company processes, improving the customer experience, driving innovation, and undoubtedly, promoting improvements that facilitate data-driven decision-making."

It is also important to foster collaboration, and this is achieved by using digital tools and platforms that enable real-time communication. It is also essential to remember that digital transformation is a dynamic and constantly evolving process that requires continuous adaptation to achieve the established objectives.

Do you want to improve processes in your organization?

The Anelair case is a clear example of when your work brings substantial improvements to companies. That's why we are motivated to take on new digital transformation challenges. If you want to increase agility and productivity in managing your organization, Albira Solutions is your partner for digital innovation. Contact us, and we will be delighted to advise you on how to enhance your business and achieve success in the digital era.

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Carretera BV-1274 Km 1, Terrassa 08225, España
sales@albirasolutions.com | +34 938 32 98 20


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